Getting Started

Step by step instructions for creating MenuPro menus.

  1. Start MenuPro
  2. Select View > Normal (just to make sure you can see the 3 main windows)
  3. Select File > New Menu
  4. Right-click in the Food Items window (the one at the upper left) and select New Food Item
  5. Fill in Food Item fields for Name, Description and Price and then click OK. You can repeat this step to a add a few Foods Items.
  6. Now Right-click in the Headings window (the one at the lower left) and select New Heading
  7. Enter the Heading text such as 'Appetizers', 'Starters', etc. then click OK
  8. Now click and hold the Heading you just created and Drag it over to the menu and Drop it. Next drag some Food Items to the menu in the same fashion - drop them under the Heading in the order of your choice.
  9. Once you have few items on the menu you can a) click and drag to change their order b) click to edit them c) right-click them and select Remove from menu (or click to edit and uncheck the On Menu box, then click OK).
  10. Next, try clicking the Style buttons on the toolbar (the ones next to the FIT button) to see what your menu looks like with different designs.
  11. Finally, at any point during the process, click Print button on the toolbar (the little printer) or use File > Print to print your menu.

Tip! If you'd like MenuPro to suggest a Menu Background (Watermark) with each menu style, double-click the little gear icon under the Menu that says Auto-Background (this will open the MenuPro Options window) and then put a check in the box that says Auto-background when switching styles and then click OK

Switch Menu Styles

You can switch Menu Styles at any time using the Design > Switch Menu Styles command to choose a specific Menu Style.

Or you can click the Previous Menu Style or Next Menu Style buttons on the toolbar to cycle through all the available styles.

Video Demo

In this short video you can watch how the Drag and Drop and Style Switching works.